So, which one do you think, is the best News Channel in India?

27 Sept 2017

"Sultan and Archives"- A great lecture by H. H. Sheikh Dr.Sultan bin Mohammed al Qasimi - By Rahul Sharma

Feeling honoured to be a part of one of the most auspicious events of the year. Got to attend an informative lecture by H. H Sheikh Dr. SULTAN BIN MOHAMMED AL QASIMI (Ruler of Sharjah) on "SULTAN AND ARCHIVES". The lecture was quite informative and also, we had a cool interactive session. It was great to see a ruler himself explaining his sole journey through an 'Out of the box' world. Personally, it was quite a moment of introspection for All those Indians and Keralites out there when he mentioned about the National Archives in Delhi and the immense research he had done on the colonial rule in India. So proud to know that he had conducted a research on the atrocities done by the Portuguese over  Keralites during the 16th CE. SULTAN, in our Hon'ble Chief Sec. Dr. KM Abraham's words: "Is nothing, but a walking encyclopedia". However, it is impossible to explain the whole magical experience and to make an wholesome discussion on the speech contents here. Yet, it was an unforgettable experience for any historical enthusiast out there including me.

PS:  would like to thank the writers clan, the Kerala Council for Historical Research and the Ministry of Education, Govt. Of Kerala, for the invitation.

6 Sept 2017

'You can kill me, but you can't defeat me' -Thus proved. -By Rahul Sharma

Senior journalist Gauri Lankesh was shot dead. Intolerance has once again showed up its brutal scarface. We live in a country which guarantees freedom of speech and expression. But where do the rights go when you raise your voice against the powerful? Where do the rights go when you start speaking
for the oppressed?
If this is how the intolerants start covering up the voice of India, then I swear that they're never going to see the light of truth for sure. In every civil society or say civilization itself, development or progress has happened only when they started welcoming critizisms and odd opinions.
Shahid Azmi was shot dead few years back and now, its Gauri Lankesh. No need to compare or classify the incidents, yet the similarity lies in the sole fact that in both the cases, the intolerants had tried to seal the mouth of the truth speakers with bullets. Whatever maybe the reason, killing someone for not having the same opinion of one's own-  is no more an act of valor, but pure form of terrorism.
Well, why should I scribble on this as long as I live in a world which had poisoned Socrates, crucified Jesus, shot Lincoln and Gandhi dead!? Centuries passed, mammoths are gone, but humans are all the same! However, truth ever triumphs and more the intolerant kills, louder the voices roar and history proves it. And that's all for now. Peace out.
- Rahul Sharma